Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
$59 per person
What can you expect to learn?
Quick decision making is required to recognise and assess a cardiac emergency, call for medical assistance and perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) procedures which will increase the chance of survival for a person who is unconscious and not breathing.
In this CPR course, students will learn these skills, in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines, including using an automated external defibrillator (AED), how to rotate first aiders with minimal interruptions to compressions, and what to do if the casualty regurgitates or vomits.
Participants must have the physical capacity to perform the practical demonstrations, including 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR on the floor.
Participants must have the physical capacity to perform the practical demonstrations, such as 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR on the floor and performing rescue breathing techniques on manikins.
Online study: Students must have access to a computer, smartphone, tablet or other electronic devices with access to the internet to complete the online/ pre-course studies.
Performance tasks and practical scenarios:
Perform CPR on an adult (incl. the use of an AED and placing a casualty into the recovery position)
Perform CPR on an infant
Theory assessment: A written assessment consisting of multiple-choice questions.
Please read and review the student handbook information prior to undertaking your training with us as an approved Allens Training Partner.
Ready to Book this course?
This course is available in two delivery modes.
Self-paced online learning with a thirty (30) minute face-to-face training and assessment day. The length of the practical session will depend on the number of students in a class.
Students are enrolled into an online platform of learning activities (Training Desk) where they will complete a theory assessment prior to the face-to-face practical assessment.
Trainer will revise the online component and deliver the practical assessment in a simulated work or school environment.
Ninety (90) minutes intensive face to face training and assessment
Students must provide evidence of prior training issued that is still within thirty (30) days of expiry.
Need more information?
Check out our FAQ’s page for common questions we get in regards to courses and available options. Alternatively Contact us to tailor a course specific to you and your needs.